Jizhou's agricultural products promotional activity kicks off


來源: exploringtianjin.com 作者: 編輯:尹辰辰 2023-04-24 15:09:00

On April 22, Jizhou's agricultural products promotional activity kicked off in the Jiaodong community of Beijing. Over 100 kinds of characteristic agricultural products from Jizhou district were presented at the event, which attracted numerous residents.

There are three sections that have been set up at the venue, providing drinks and snacks for people to taste. At the same time, the online live streaming of internet influencers has also been organized on-site, and more than 2,000 people have participated so far online.

Jizhou's agricultural products promotional activity [Photo/WeChat account: zhangshangjizhou]

This activity has gathered over 20 qualified family farms and cooperatives in Jizhou district to create a "government + enterprise + farmer" cooperation mode, in a bid to support Jizhou in exploring new markets for its high-quality agricultural products, and to deliver high-quality, green, and safe agricultural products to residents in Beijing.

By organizing a series of activities to showcase the products of Jizhou district, the brand influence and market coverage of Jizhou's agricultural products in the capital will be further enhanced, contributing to rural revitalization and promoting the interconnection between Beijing and Tianjin.



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