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  Museum of the Beiping-Tianjin Campaign  

The Museum of the Beiping-Tianjin Campaign is on the western side of the bridge over the Ziya River in Tianjin. The museum occupies 47,000 square metres of ground and was completed and opened to the public on August 1, 1997.

The Exhibition Hall is magnificent in style and covers 17,000 square metres of floor space. It is divided into three sections, including the Prelude Hall, War History Hall and Special Subjects Hall. A group sculpture stands at the centre of the Prelude Hall against the background of a large wall painting. The history of the Beiping-Tianjin Campaign is told in the museum through photographs, relics and weapons.

The Beiping-Tianjin Campaign was a large-scale, strategically decisive battle which, under the guidance of the Chinese Communist Party, was fought by the Northeast Field Army and the North China Field Army of the PLA, over a million strong, against the Kuomintang forces in North China between November 29, 1948 and January 31, 1949, over a battle front of 500 kilometres, from Tangshan in the east to Zhangjiakou in the west.

Victory in the Beiping-Tianjin Campaign and in the Liaoxi-Shenyang and Huaihai campaigns ensured victory in the War of Liberation in the whole of China.

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