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The International Kind-hearted Volunteers

http://www.enorth.com.cn  2003-09-03 09:20


It is the consecutively third year for the two U.S. voluntary doctors to come to Tianjin Hospital. In
Dr.Gamble was working
the past three years they always appeared in Tianjin to help those disable orphans from all over the country, who all have some problems on their limb. This year just after the retreat of SARS in China, they arranged their journey to Tianjin again.

  After carefully diagnosing more than twenty children, they got a chance to take a short rest. Although we knew clearly that they had been very tried, we went to them to ask them some questions. When asked what impressed them most in Tianjin, Lincoln」s topic went back to his job again. First he highly appreciated the cooperation of the staff in Tianjin Hospital.『The doctors are very professional.』
The orphans who have some problems on their limb
Lincoln affirm the overall skill level of Tianjin Hospital and he also felt that on one side their job here is really helpful here, on the other side it provides him a good opportunity to exchange with those excellent Chinese doctors. Surely they would encounter some difficulties in some cases. But collaborative efforts from the both sides work it out to make a new life for those miserable children.

  While Lincoln」s topic focus on their professional field, Gamble turned it to his own feeling about Tianjin. In his point of view Tianjin people are very kind to him. The city witnessed a rapid change in these years and when he had a visit in his resting hours, it is always easy for him to find the new sights.

稿源北方網 編輯:楊岷
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