Online firms provide impetus to agricultural product sales


來源: 中國日報網 作者: 編輯:李松達 2019-11-29 11:58:19

內容提要:Shipments of Shawo radish, which has gained a reputation in China as a major culinary ingredient for State banquets since the 1970s, are expected to see a 20 percent growth this year due to online sales, according to an official in Xinkou township of Xiqing district in Tianjin municipality.

  Shipments of Shawo radish, which has gained a reputation in China as a major culinary ingredient for State banquets since the 1970s, are expected to see a 20 percent growth this year due to online sales, according to an official in Xinkou township of Xiqing district in Tianjin municipality.

  The radish variety is also set to maintain its lead position in online sales of local agricultural products in the city, said local agricultural authorities. This year, Shawo radish sales are expected to be worth 400 million yuan ($56.9 million), with online sales accounting for over 50 percent of the total.

  Ren Xiuyuan, Party secretary of Xinkou township, attributed the growing market presence to the region's efforts to build online channels with market leaders. "We have invested heavily to team up with leading e-commerce giants like JD, top delivery company China Post and market leader New Hope, in a bid to secure top-notch channels, which is key to online sales," he said.





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