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Summarize of Tianjin Literature


As a historical city and the cradle of northen culture, Tianjin literature was flourished from gardens culture in early Qing dynasty. Tianjin literature was represented by Shuixizhuang culture and in Qing dynasty there has been about hundred of poets and writers lived in Tianjin. Till the end of Qing dynasty , colloquial literature was rifed here. As to the neoteric literature, Tianjin was formed its special style and achievement. Except for the local writers, many famous writers has been lived here, and they were inspired by this city. Neoteric writer Yan Fu, who was commit himself to introduce the westen trend of thought, has lived here and he translated the "Evolution and Ethics" into Chinese. This work was well influenced China at that time. Liang Qichao, a poeter who called on revolution of poem and fiction, set his "Drinking Ice studio" in Tianjin. Tianjin is also a important position for drama. Cao Yu for instance, many backgrounds of his works were related with Tianjin. Some other writers lived here for a long time, such as Li Jiye, who was the student of Lu Xun; Sun Li; Liang Bin and Guo Xiaochuan, etc. Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, writers of Tianjin won the prizes and occupied the important position in the Chinese literature world.

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